UA-114236943-1 Prepare for Brow Microblading | Orange County, CA | Maven Brow Society
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You may arrive with brow make up to show how you normally fill in your brows (if you want this taken into consideration) or bring brow sample pictures.

If you are within a couple days of your period or on your menstrual cycle, you may experience heightened sensitivity.

If you have any breakouts or blemishes in the area, we will not be able to go over those. Generally, scars are fine but may not retail color well.

72 Hours Prior

Stop use of alcohol, caffeine (at least 6 hours prior), aspirin, fish oil, Vit E or any other blood thinners. (With approval from your Dr of course) This will cause excessive bleeding and may effect your results.

2 weeks prior

If you get Botox or other cosmetic fillers, this should be done at least 3 weeks prior or 3 weeks after your appointment.

If you have herpes simplex and get cold sore breakouts, use your medication for 1-2 weeks prior and for 1 week after

Am I a candidate for Microblading?

There are several contraindications to getting this procedure. Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate. If any of the following apply to you, we would not be able to perform this service.

  • Under 18 years of age

  • Using Accutane (must stop using for 1 full year)

  • Have heart conditions or using heart medications

  • Have diabetes or autoimmune disorders such as lupus

  • Have had Botox, sunburn, deep tan, or chemical peel in the last 2 weeks

  • Allergic to lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine or epinephrine

  • Anyone who has any serious medical conditions may require a physician's note. 

  • Nursing clients who want to have microblading treatment can be done at your own discretion.

  • Very thin skin will not hold color well.


* We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who we deem not suitable for this procedure or for any other reason.*

If you have diabetes or another autoimmune disorder that causes poor/slow healing, you may not be right for this service. We cannot perform this service during pregnancy. We will not perform this service on those under 18 years of age. If you are receiving chemotherapy treatments, we cannot perform this service until 4 weeks after you've completed your last session and with a Dr's note of approval.


Consultation and brow mapping (45 min)

All appointments include a detailed brow consultation where we will shape and design your brows to enhance your natural facial features.


Numbing (20 min)

A topical anesthetic is applied for a minimum of 25 minutes prior to the procedure to ensure maximum comfort. During the procedure a separate numbing agent is used to enhance numbing effects.


Tattooing (45-60 min)

Chosen pigment color(s) are implanted in the top dermal layer to create hair like strokes that mimic the appearance of natural brow hair within the designed brow shape. 


The procedure takes 2-3 hours and includes a thorough consult before starting any work to help you achieve your dream brows. We will map your brows to find the best shape for your facial structure but the ultimate shape is up to you. If you want thin, thick, arched, straight, etc, you have total control and we would never move forward with the service if you are not 100% happy with the intended shape and style.


There is generally no downtime and you are able to return to work immediately. Following our aftercare advice is crucial for proper healing and color retention. Results can vary depending on skin type and how closely you follow directions. We cannot guarantee your results. Do not expect your brows to heal perfectly after the first session. You will need to be patient and trust the process. This is generally a two step process, in rare cases, 3 step.

14 day healing:

Do not submerge your brows in water. If they get wet in the shower or when washing your face, pat them dry immediately.

Wash hands before touching your brows for any reason

No sunbathing or direct sunlight

Absolutely no creams, products, or make up in the area unless specifically recommended to you at your appointment.

No working out or sweating for 10 days

You should expect to flake lightly and although it may be itchy, it's important not to pick or scratch. The light scabbing needs to fall off naturally. If you do pick or scratch, you will have a patchy outcome.

It will take about 6 weeks to fully heal.

More details on healing  and aftercare will be provided to you at your appointment. If you have already had your service with us and have misplaced your aftercare print out, please email us.


Note: Not everyone’s hair stroke brows can heal clean and crisp. The results depend greatly on your skin type. Hair strokes for more oily skin tends to heal more solid and powdery while dry skin usually heals more defined. Also, those who bleed more then normal, may need additional touch-ups as the blood pushes the pigment out during the service.


Are there risks and complications?

We go above and beyond Universal Safety Precautions for a safe session and eliminate the chance of cross-contamination by using pre-sterilized disposable tools and all disposable set up in a sanitized environment.  If you follow our pre and post care instructions, there should be minimal risks or complications. Although allergic reactions to the pigments are rare, it could be possible for certain individuals. We suggest a pigment patch test for individuals who have high skin sensitivities or are sensitive to:

  • Topical makeup products

  • Gold, silver and nickel

  • Hair dyes

Patch tests should be performed 5-7 days prior. 


Your safety is our #1 concern.

Does it hurt?

We use a highly-effective anesthetic cream and gel to numb before and during your procedure. Because of pain threshold variations from person to person, you may experience minor discomfort. Every effort is made to ensure your are comfortable for the entirety of the procedure. If you are a frequent smoker, the topical anesthetics used during the treatment will not last as long. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure.

How long does it take to heal?

About 14 days. Your semi-permanent makeup will appear darker and more intense than expected for the first few days. This will gradually lighten during the complete healing process. Redness and swelling is minimal. The first 10 days are critical for proper healing so follow aftercare instructions closely. If you have vacation plans, your appointment should be completed at least 14 days in advance.

What can I expect from this service?

You may experience hypersensitivity and more pain around or during your menstrual cycle. We will not be able to tattoo over any blemishes, sores, and moles in or around the brow area. You should not expect your brows to heal perfect after the first session. This is a 2 step process, sometimes more. Be patient - the healing process can be a little scary because your brows will appear very dark at first, and slightly muted toward the end of healing. But this is normal. Your microbladed brows will last anywhere from 6 months to 18 months depending on various factors.

What will my brows look like?

There are no guarantees with cosmetic tattooing. Results will vary depending on skin type, lifestyle, and the immediate and long term aftercare by the client. Immediately after,the  brows will look very dark but once they scab and peel (lightly), the color will reduce by 20%-30%. The hair-strokes will appear softer and more muted (oily skin types hair strokes may heal softer and more powdery while drier skin types may heal crisper and more defined). The color will fully settle in about 6 weeks. You may experience some patchiness after your first session but that will be addressed at the perfect session (touch up appointment).

How often do they need to be touched up?

Your initial touch up should be 6-8 weeks after your procedure. Then we recommend once per year but that is up to your preference. More oily skin types will notice quicker fading as well as those that spend a lot of time in the sun or use exfoliation products.


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